działa bez zdjęcia?
2010-09-27 12:50:36
Gość: IfiqKHnr1Pi
137 miesięcy temu
Wonadderadful write-up, this is very simadilar to aa0site that Ia0have. Please check it out someadtime and feel free to leave me aa0comeadnet on it and tell me what you think. Im always lookading for feecbadk.
Gość: Wonadderadful write-up, this is very simadilar to aa0site that Ia0have. Please check it out someadtime and feel free to leave me aa0comeadnet on it and tell me what you think. Im always lookading for feecbadk.
Gość: SvvKIVMRIxc
137 miesięcy temu
This is aa0good piece of writading, Ia0was wonadderading if Ia0could use this write-up on my webadsite, Ia0will link it back to your webadsite though. If this is aa0probadlem pealse let me know and Ia0will take it down righta0away.
Gość: This is aa0good piece of writading, Ia0was wonadderading if Ia0could use this write-up on my webadsite, Ia0will link it back to your webadsite though. If this is aa0probadlem pealse let me know and Ia0will take it down righta0away.
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działa :D
michal: działa :D